Ask the MB -- Windsor Knot

A: Obi-Wan has taught you well, but you are not a
In honor of Presidents' Day, surely you can tell the difference between the knot on the un-stylish Ronald Reagan (Windsor) and the stylish George Bush 41 (four-in-hand).
We strongly prefer the four-in-hand to the Windsor, for at least four reasons:
1. Windsor symmetrical. Violates the MB principle of artful dishevelment.
2. Windsor requires extra steps. Violates the universal rule of Occam's Razor.
3. Windsor best on spread collar shirts. And you know how we feel about spread collar shirts.
4. Windsor (combined with spread collar) shortens, flattens an MB's neck. MBs prefer their necks lengthened and thinned.
Stick with what your papa taught you.