Magnificent Bastard

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Project Runway Odds - Week 2

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 2
There's only been one broadcast of this year's Project Runway, yet it's already apparent who's got talent and, uh, who's got less of it. We're going to try this for a few weeks: Project Runway Odds, where we pick who's most likely to stay and who's most likely to be told "auf Wiedersehen."

This week's pick: Elisa, who's called herself "an accidental designer." No shit. She's like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode into a million tiny pieces of granola, with a magic mushroom cloud.

 Name  Odds  Our Take
Project Runway - Rami Rami Off Winner of first show not going anywhere.
Project Runway - Kevin Kevin 50:1 Deep resume, talent, and confidence make for an unlikely early departure.
Project Runway - Christian Christian 40:1 In spite of youth (21), a real contender. Though flamboyantly gay man already won Season 1.
Project Runway - Marion Marion 40:1 Cool, detached. Likely to last a while.
Project Runway - Steven Steven 30:1 Egghead appears to have staying power.
Project Runway - Kit Kit 25:1 Sassy chick owns the best quote so far: "Life is too short to have on a bad outfit." Magnificent Bastards agree wholeheartedly.
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya 20:1 Asian-American already a PR winner, but will stick a few rounds.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 15:1 Liklihood of a 46 year-old named "Sweet P" making it to mid-season: zilch.
Project Runway - Carmen Carmen 15:1 Middle-of-the-packer.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 10:1 Small-town girl and it shows.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 10:1 Extreme girth, sloth nearly cost him first challenge.
Project Runway - Jack Jack 5:1 From central casting. Cardboard cutout has more charisma, only slightly less talent.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 7:2 Lingerie designer blew a babydoll on Round 1. Confidence shattered.
Project Runway - Elisa Elisa 1:3 Freaky-deaky earth momma deserved to get the boot on Week 1. Our Jimmy the Greek Lead Pipe Lock.




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