Where We Are Going, Where We Have Been

A little over a year ago, an intriguing opportunity to travel the world presented itself to us, and we took it. One day we were in Pulaski sipping MBs, the next we were headed to the lovely town of Tübingen to witness the weird Teutonic spectacle known as Entenrennen.
Thereafter it was one wild adventure after the next. But after a few months criss-crossing the world on trains, planes, and tramp steamers, a thought began to torment us like an unusually persistent mosquito. Was this all there was to life? Were we truly put on earth just to spend our days summiting Guatemalan volcanoes and running with the bulls in Pamplona? Or were we meant for some higher calling, some greater test of our ingenuity and spirit, like selling ties on the Internet?
One night in Karakorum, we found ourselves drinking too much arhi with a former gunrunner for the Tamil Tigers and sharing our concerns with him.
"You only live ten or eleven times," our new friend said sagely. "And who knows? Next time, you may return as, how you say, 'toolbag,'?"
"Toolbag, right," we nodded.
"The world is like a sick yak crying out for stylishly understated $150 belts," he continued, radiating .44 caliber tranquility. "Fulfill your destiny."
He didn't have to tell us twice. The next morning we began the long trek back to Pulaski. Once there, we realized we probably needed to be closer to the fashion capital of the world — or at least the fashion capital of the Upper Midwest — if we wanted better access to suppliers, manufacturers, and most importantly, airports.
So we set up camp in Minneapolis. A few months later, here we are, back in business. Check out our new store and see what we've cooked up so far. Follow us on Twitter for updates. And be sure to check in here at Magnificent Bastard at least a couple times a week, as we resume regular posting.