Ask the MB: Camel Coat

Q: I used to follow you guys religiously until the content dropped off a few years back. I assumed it was due to you solving all the world's problems and too many MB cocktails. Glad to see that is over.
Anyhow, now that's it's winter: camel overcoats. What's your take?
— Josh
A: Josh, glad to have you back.
Once the first snowflake flies our outerwear is almost exclusively filled with goose feathers, yet we do admire the traditional camel overcoat because it adheres to some core MB principles:
1. Archaism
2. Organic materials
3. Something Donald Trump would never wear
MB Tip: Opt for one that's shorter rather than longer, because, quite simply, the longer you go the shorter you look.
Try to hit the mid-thigh, like this true camel hair Lubiam, or if you don't want to spend two grand on a coat this Theory interpretation. Hardy Aimes is pushing it dangerously close to the knees with their slim fit topcoat but that cut pulls it back up into strong consideration.
Any longer and you're veering into trench coat territory a la Inspector Clouseau and Gadget — and that's no place you want to be.