Magnificent Bastard

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

project runway

Insult to Injury

Insult to Injury
It's one thing to get aufed on Project Runway. It's quite another to get aufed when you look like Suede did last night.

GQ's 'Style Guy' Increasingly Out to Lunch

<em>GQ</em>'s 'Style Guy' Increasingly Out to Lunch
In the August issue of GQ -- the one with Seth Rogen on the cover -- "Style Guy" Glenn O'Brien admits to leaving a single button-down collar button unbuttoned, calling it a "je ne sais quoi casualness" and "flaunted carelessness." We think he means "artful dishevelment," but this is "overly-engineered dishevelment," and trying way, way too hard. The desired go-to-hell air needs to look completely uncalculated.

In the same issue, he endorses the hoodie, primarily for its blue-collar roots and utility. White-collar roots are preferable, and that damn hood is non-functional and simply in the way at least 90% of the time. Also, Suede from Project Runway wears them a lot.

Follow his advice at your own risk.

Project Runway Picks -- The Finals

<em>Project Runway</em> Picks -- The Finals
Can you stand the drama? 12 weeks of Project Runway has come down to this. Rami stole a victory from Chris last week with his weak collection, so he's not a serious contender. Fan-favorite Christian has been at the top of the Magnificent Bastard charts for weeks, and we expect him to triumph, though last week's sneak peek at Jillian's stuff definitely gives us pause. Oh, fuck it. We pick Christian.

Project Runway Pick -- Week 12

<em>Project Runway</em> Pick -- Week 12
It's a little odd. Rami has a strong, very MB personal style. Chris looks like he gets dressed in the dark. Yet after 11 weeks it's become clear that Rami (once our pick to win it all) is a one-trick pony, and Chris can create new shit every week. In this mano-a-mano battle (OK, that might be stretching it a little) we're picking Chris to advance to the final 3, based largely on the judges' annoyance level:

project runway chart

Project Runway Odds - Week 11

Designing outfits for the top 6 female wrestlers of the World Wrestling Entertainment may go down as Project Runway's "Jump the Shark" episode. Still, it served the purpose of eliminating Ricky, who amazed and horrified PR fans worldwide for sticking around until the final 6.

Anyone following the this PR feature for the past 11 weeks will not be surprised to learn we're picking Sweet P and Chris to be aufed tonight, though Rami might sneak in (or out). Here are our Week 11 elimination odds.

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Christian Christian 10:1 - Created separation from the pack with yet another gem. Will be tough to beat at Bryant Park.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 7:1 up Hot pants were, uh, hot. Has replaced Rami as competition's clear #2.
Project Runway - Rami Rami 4:1 down Slipped up with fuscia thing than Nina Garcia rightfully hated. Could be the surprise auf victim tonight.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 1:2 - Luckily for Chris, challenge was as cheesy as he is. Though he did nail the leopard print.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 1:2 - Only survived with this mess because Ricky's was even more awful.

Project Runway Odds - Week 10

Anyone betting actual money on the MB Project Runway elimination odds is now living in a cardboard box under an overpass. But we cannot account for the taste -- or lack thereof -- of Michael Kors. We still think Sweet P is the pits, and Christian is most likely to win. Here are our elimination odds for Week 10.

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Christian Christian 12:1 - Had immunity and still delivered something innovative and cool. Might be an immature dick, but kid's for real.
Project Runway - Rami Rami 12:1 - "Zippery" dress was outstanding and repositioned him as Christian's main competition.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 8:1 - Designed a real stinker, though clearly in the top 3 who will go to the finals.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 4:1 up Provided overwhelming evidence of the "blind squirrel - nut" cliche by actually winning a challenge. Cried. Perhaps over the fact his win did not provide immunity. Has the hottest model, which helps.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 3:1 down Snuck by with this, which isn't easy for a man weighing 350 pounds.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 2:1 - Tim Gunn's sharp eye accurately called her dress "Happy-Hands-At-Home Granny Circle." Judges' high rating of patchwork awfulness calls them all into question, especially the chick from Levi's.

Project Runway Odds - Week 9

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 9
While the MB odds had Sweet P being auffed (per usual), we noted Kit trending into ugliness with last week's awful prom dress. Christian was beyond fierce and is immune. Rami slipping badly after two straight poor outings.

Here are our elimination odds for Week 9.

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Christian Christian Off up Made the most stunning piece of the season. Kid is now perhaps the front-runner.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 15:1 up Another solid outing. Could win now that Rami has slipped so badly.
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya 12:1 down Combined with Jillian and done good. Two strong outings in a row after nearly getting auffed has her near the top.
Project Runway - Rami Rami 10:1 down Two bad weeks in a row has us gravely concerned. Judges seem increasingly annoyed by his routine.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 4:1 - Sucked off Christian's teat. A goner but not before Sweet P.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 4:1 - Cried. Made another baby-doll.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 2:1 - Luck will run out tonight.

Project Runway Odds - Week 8

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 8
Christian was not feeling fierce and nearly got the boot after turning his model into a bloated Fudgesicle. However, he did have the show's best line, accurately describing high-school prom: "The other designers seemed to be kind of excited. But I think prom is horrible and tacky and gross."

Meanwhile, everyone else essentially failed, making 9 dresses that looked like total ass. Poor girls. We sensed slippage with Kevin and he got aufed, though there were clearly worse dresses on the runway.

Here are our elimination odds for Week 8. Everyone is essentially staying put with the exception of Victorya, who's immune from elimination.

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya Off up Stabilized after a poor outing with the winning dress. Has enough talent to make the final 3.
Project Runway - Rami Rami 15:1 down Had immunity, which was fortunate given this granny fiasco.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 15:1 - Made one of the only dresses that didn't make a mockery of the challenge. Still contending with Rami for the crown.
Project Runway - Christian Christian 12:1 - Clearly didn't seem to care, just to prove a point. Admirable!
Project Runway - Kit Kit 10:1 - Cheese oozed from this one; skated by only because everything else was bad, too.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 4:1 - With Rami, made an ugly green prom dress. Already voted off once, with reason.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 4:1 - Cried. Made more lingerie. How he survives is anyone's guess.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 2:1 - Like a blind squirrel, happened to find a nut, but headed auf next.

Project Runway Odds - Week 7

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 7
Last week Project Runway might've set a world record for product placement, having the contestants make clothing from the Times Square Hershey's store. Perhaps predictably, there was almost a direct correlation between an outfit's success and its Hershey's branding.

In any case, here are our elimination odds for Week 7:

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Rami Rami Off up Killed it with his highly-integrated brand presentation. Clearly the best designer of the bunch.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 20:1 up Twizzlers dress was hot. Might contend with Rami for the crown.
Project Runway - Christian Christian 18:1 down Reeses wrapper dress pretty damn good too. Cocky but can back it up.
Project Runway - Kevin Kevin 15:1 down Very ordinary piece passable, yet we sense slippage.
Project Runway - Kit Kit 12:1 down Kit used Kit-Kats (get it?) to make a highly branded look. Will hang around for a while.
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya 10:1 down Was really slumming it with Elisa and Sweet P with this mistake.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 6:1 up Somehow managed a visit to the Hershey's store and exit under his own power. Also somehow managed to create a pretty damn impressive dress.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 4:1 - Made lingerie out of Hershey's wrappers. Miraculously did not cry.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 2:1 down Kiss dress was bland and she deserved to get tossed last week. Just a matter of time.

Good To Be Back

What in God's name was this?
What in God's name was this?
Now that the Silly Season is over, we can regain focus on important things like conspicuous consumption, winter clearance sales, and Season 4 of Project Runway. Two weeks ago we jumped the gun with our Episode 6 Elimination Odds, not realizing that Bravo was giving the show a two-week break. The past two weeks have been a difficult time for us with neither Project Runway nor The Real Housewives of Orange County, and we're glad they're over. We actually started to read.

Check this week's odds.

Project Runway Odds - Week 6

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 6
Last week we sensed a disturbance in the force: that Steven was trending badly downward. On cue, he made his model look like a fat pilgrim (pictured) and deservedly got toasted. Jack had to leave for health reasons and we don't care; we're still chalking it up to lack of talent. This week look for Chris to make his rightful exit. Our odds for Week 6:

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Christian Christian Off up Everything is fierce, and Tim Gunn nailed him on it on last week's show. Immune from elimination.
Project Runway - Rami Rami 25:1 - Last outfit good enough to at least get into the final three. Still a leader of the pack.
Project Runway - Kevin Kevin 25:1 - Kinda got robbed last week. We liked his outfit better than winner Christian's.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 20:1 up Still gaining confidence. Now the strongest female contestant.
Project Runway - Kit Kit 15:1 down Eclipsed by Jillian as the best woman, though still solid.
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya 15:1 down If there is a team competition left her bitchiness could lead to sabotage.
Project Runway - Elisa Elisa 10:1 up Doesn't suck quite as badly as we originally thought.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 7:1 up Will survive another week only because Chris has returned to the competition.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 4:1 up We'll see if he's able to not cry this episode.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 2:1 down Now he's the one hanging by a thread, and at 350 lbs. that's not a very good thing.

Project Runway Odds - Week 5

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 5
Last week we're weren't quite as on target as the week before. Based on girth and his hideous tentwear, Chris was doomed to lose, though we saw him staying a few weeks longer. Miraculously, Ricky survived, albeit only temporarily. This season has already separated into the haves and have nots. Here are the latest survival odds:

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Rami Rami 30:1 - Steady-Eddie. A strong bet to make the finals.
Project Runway - Kevin Kevin 30:1 - Nailed the shorts. Continues to be a leader.
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya 20:1 up Showdown with Ricky highlighted her bitchiness, superiority.
Project Runway - Kit Kit 20:1 - Potentially one of the women in the finals.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 20:1 up Was wearing outdated trend (overalls) and then managed to nail the outdated trend (overalls). Dramatically gaining confidence.
Project Runway - Christian Christian 15:1 up Everything is fierce. Just plain fierce. Has a fierce eye for being just 21.
Project Runway - Steven Steven 10:1 down Disasterous dancewear look was truly awful, and yet he seemed to like it. Really disappointed us last week.
Project Runway - Elisa Elisa 7:1 - Alien manages to stick around another week or two.
Project Runway - Jack Jack 6:1 down We're calling his Week 3 win an abberation.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 3:1 - Hanging on by a thread. Get it?
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 2:1 - Somehow managed to survive 4th round, in spite of a bad design and a beatdown from Victorya. Remains our favorite to be eliminated.

One Word, Girl: Sleeves

One Word, Girl: Sleeves
Donna Karan was the guest judge last night on Project Runway, seemingly promoting some of the flabbiest arms we've seen since our grade school cooks serving up hot lunch. Donna, we admire a lot of your work (especially Signature), but please cover that shit up. Geez.

Project Runway Odds - Week 4

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 4
Let's be frank. We kicked ass last week. Of our bottom four picks, three of them were on the chopping block, and thankfully the annoying Carmen is gone. We've clearly underestimated Jack, whose win has forced us to reevaluate his chances.

This week is a team challenge, and the previews hint that either Victorya or Ricky are toast. The smart money stays with Ricky going auf. Our Week 4 predictions, with odds of elimination tonight and change from last week:

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Rami Rami 40:1 - Continues to impress, though no longer the obvious front-runner.
Project Runway - Kevin Kevin 40:1 - At this point a co-favorite with Rami.
Project Runway - Steven Steven 30:1 - Sense of humor, talent keeps him firmly in the upper tier.
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya 20:1 down Partnership with headcase Ricky jeopardizes her position.
Project Runway - Kit Kit 20:1 - Witty blonde has distinquished herself as a contender.
Project Runway - Jack Jack 15:1 up We've misjudged Jack, and for that we're sorry.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 15:1 up Cannot possibly win, but talented enough to last a few more weeks.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 10:1 down Ralph Lauren experience helped with last challenge, though her invisibility is a red flag.
Project Runway - Christian Christian 10:1 - Age may end up limiting his ability to stay.
Project Runway - Elisa Elisa 8:1 down "Different" 42 year-old has righted the ship after a very shaky start, but c'mon.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 4:1 up Not quite as doomed as Ricky, yet still doomed.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 2:1 down Partnership with talented Victorya will further highlight weakness. Double-plus doomed.

Project Runway Odds - Week 3

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 3
Well we were a little off base last week. Freaky-deaky earth momma Elisa not only survived but thrived, amazingly finishing runner-up. Marion, one of our favorites, got the boot but definitely not for lack of talent, just excessive ambition.

The "choose your partner" segment spoke volumes and reminded us of grade-school gym class when dodgeball teams were picked. Carmen and Sweet P last to be selected; Steven the first. Here's how we see Week 3 shaking out, with odds of elimination tonight and change from last week:

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya Off up Brilliant Round 2 design confirms her role as contender, in spite of Asian-Americanness.
Project Runway - Rami Rami 50:1 - Did nothing to harm his front-runner position.
Project Runway - Kevin Kevin 50:1 - Partner on Victorya's stunning success. Has chops to be the overall winner.
Project Runway - Steven Steven 40:1 up Picked first in simulated grade-school dodgeball team selection, and for reason.
Project Runway - Kit Kit 30:1 up Architected potentially winning look in Round 2. We like her chances to go deep into competition.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 20:1 up Has done nothing special so far, though seems competent.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 20:1 up Nearly crushed sofa next to Sarah Jessica Parker with 350lb. frame, yet demonstrated talent to last a while.
Project Runway - Elisa Elisa 10:1 up Bravo and judges realize the benefit of keeping self-proclaimed alien as part of competition for a few more weeks.
Project Runway - Christian Christian 10:1 down Flirtation with '80s look nearly cost him elimination, deeply shook our confidence.
Project Runway - Carmen Carmen 8:1 up Trying too hard; highly annoying.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 7:1 up Somehow played second fiddle to the weird-o Elisa. Early ousting forthcoming.
Project Runway - Jack Jack 5:1 - Continues to give us no reason to expect a long stay.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 3:1 down Emotional trainwreck and stuck in lingerie design mode. Doomed.

Project Runway Odds - Week 2

<em>Project Runway</em> Odds - Week 2
There's only been one broadcast of this year's Project Runway, yet it's already apparent who's got talent and, uh, who's got less of it. We're going to try this for a few weeks: Project Runway Odds, where we pick who's most likely to stay and who's most likely to be told "auf Wiedersehen."

This week's pick: Elisa, who's called herself "an accidental designer." No shit. She's like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode into a million tiny pieces of granola, with a magic mushroom cloud.

 Name  Odds  Our Take
Project Runway - Rami Rami Off Winner of first show not going anywhere.
Project Runway - Kevin Kevin 50:1 Deep resume, talent, and confidence make for an unlikely early departure.
Project Runway - Christian Christian 40:1 In spite of youth (21), a real contender. Though flamboyantly gay man already won Season 1.
Project Runway - Marion Marion 40:1 Cool, detached. Likely to last a while.
Project Runway - Steven Steven 30:1 Egghead appears to have staying power.
Project Runway - Kit Kit 25:1 Sassy chick owns the best quote so far: "Life is too short to have on a bad outfit." Magnificent Bastards agree wholeheartedly.
Project Runway - Victorya Victorya 20:1 Asian-American already a PR winner, but will stick a few rounds.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 15:1 Liklihood of a 46 year-old named "Sweet P" making it to mid-season: zilch.
Project Runway - Carmen Carmen 15:1 Middle-of-the-packer.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 10:1 Small-town girl and it shows.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 10:1 Extreme girth, sloth nearly cost him first challenge.
Project Runway - Jack Jack 5:1 From central casting. Cardboard cutout has more charisma, only slightly less talent.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 7:2 Lingerie designer blew a babydoll on Round 1. Confidence shattered.
Project Runway - Elisa Elisa 1:3 Freaky-deaky earth momma deserved to get the boot on Week 1. Our Jimmy the Greek Lead Pipe Lock.




  • 3 shots rye whiskey (or to taste)
  • 1 sugar cube
  • Peychaud's Bitters
  • quarter shot of Absinthe
  • lemon twist

Soak the sugar cube with the bitters and place in the bottom of a highball glass. Mash with the back of a spoon (or muddler, which we hope has not been used to make a Mojito), add the rye whiskey and fill the glass with ice. Stir for about 30 seconds and then strain into another lowball glass that has been rinsed with Absinthe and filled about halfway with ice. Garnish with a lemon twist.

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