Magnificent Bastard

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Project Runway Odds - Week 11

Designing outfits for the top 6 female wrestlers of the World Wrestling Entertainment may go down as Project Runway's "Jump the Shark" episode. Still, it served the purpose of eliminating Ricky, who amazed and horrified PR fans worldwide for sticking around until the final 6.

Anyone following the this PR feature for the past 11 weeks will not be surprised to learn we're picking Sweet P and Chris to be aufed tonight, though Rami might sneak in (or out). Here are our Week 11 elimination odds.

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Christian Christian 10:1 - Created separation from the pack with yet another gem. Will be tough to beat at Bryant Park.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 7:1 up Hot pants were, uh, hot. Has replaced Rami as competition's clear #2.
Project Runway - Rami Rami 4:1 down Slipped up with fuscia thing than Nina Garcia rightfully hated. Could be the surprise auf victim tonight.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 1:2 - Luckily for Chris, challenge was as cheesy as he is. Though he did nail the leopard print.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 1:2 - Only survived with this mess because Ricky's was even more awful.




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