Magnificent Bastard

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Project Runway Odds - Week 10

Anyone betting actual money on the MB Project Runway elimination odds is now living in a cardboard box under an overpass. But we cannot account for the taste -- or lack thereof -- of Michael Kors. We still think Sweet P is the pits, and Christian is most likely to win. Here are our elimination odds for Week 10.

Name Odds Movement Our Take
Project Runway - Christian Christian 12:1 - Had immunity and still delivered something innovative and cool. Might be an immature dick, but kid's for real.
Project Runway - Rami Rami 12:1 - "Zippery" dress was outstanding and repositioned him as Christian's main competition.
Project Runway - Jillian Jillian 8:1 - Designed a real stinker, though clearly in the top 3 who will go to the finals.
Project Runway - Ricky Ricky 4:1 up Provided overwhelming evidence of the "blind squirrel - nut" cliche by actually winning a challenge. Cried. Perhaps over the fact his win did not provide immunity. Has the hottest model, which helps.
Project Runway - Chris Chris 3:1 down Snuck by with this, which isn't easy for a man weighing 350 pounds.
Project Runway - Sweet P Sweet P 2:1 - Tim Gunn's sharp eye accurately called her dress "Happy-Hands-At-Home Granny Circle." Judges' high rating of patchwork awfulness calls them all into question, especially the chick from Levi's.




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