Ask the MB -- Chest Hair

A: Chest hair showing? Uh, no.
Recall the wonderful "get laid" advice given to the extraordinarily hirsute 40 Year-Old Virgin by his buddy Jay:
"You see that whole Teen Wolf thing you got going right there? (points to chest)
"You need to wax that right out."
Let's review your options:
TRIM: Keep your inner (outer?) Chewbacca in check with a regular trim, to your own length of comfort. Get something professional quality like this Panasonic model.
Verdict: Good option if you want to retain some growth yet not look like a mafia toolbag.
SHAVE: Depending on whether you have a mohair or merino wool sweater under there, this can work on a long-term basis and is easy to do in the shower.
Verdict: OK unless you've got the mohair model, which will clog the shit out of any razor. Also, stubble returns fast, like on your face, and can poke through your shirt.
WAX: Waxing will make your chest as smooth as a your ass -- OK, a baby's ass -- though it's painful and only lasts a few weeks.
Verdict: Waxing scene from 40 Year-Old Virgin kinda sealed the deal on this choice.
LASER: Somewhat costly and somewhat painful but takes that right out for good.
Verdict: The Official Chest Hair Management option of Visit once or twice just to thin it out; visit 3 or 4 times and you're all set to model for Dolce & Gabbana or star in the sequel to 300.