Magnificent Bastard

Monday, February 17, 2025

Ask the MB: Fat Bastards?

Ask the MB: Fat Bastards?
Q: Can fat guys be MBs? They can't pull off the perfect suit, or show off a sweet non-pleated pant, but I'm sure there have been some badass big MB guys in the past. I'm not talking Michael Moore fat (and unkempt), but maybe a guy that goes to the Big and Tall store a touch more for the "Big" than the "Tall."
--Fat Bastard

A: We're pretty sure there exists a fat MB, it's just that we can't really think of one outside of perhaps Santa Claus ... and he still has to put on polyester once a year.

A little additional chub can still work, but not too much. Just look to Marlon Brando for guidance:

Top: Fit Brando the iconic image of cool American masculinity.

Bottom: Fat Brando the iconic image of diabetes, waddling, hanging out at Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.



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