Ask the MB

A: You don't want to challenge your heterosexuality, eh? For a minute we were considering the full-body latex catsuit.
Naw. Only kidding. Are there any invites left? Kidding again! Seriously, take this BDSM party opportunity to not only stay in line with your heterosexuality, but to fully embrace your manhood. We're talkin' M - A - N here, Rick, because being a man fucking rocks! (Sorry, you're getting us all fired up.)
Back to your question: A lot of this "gay nightclub" stuff is actually pretty badass in our view. You wouldn't want to mess with that cop from Village People, would you? Thought so. Turn the testosterone dial to 11 and get into this black rubber uniform shirt paired with the black codpiece pants. If you don't have the pipes and tats and attitude and Johnson to pull that off, try a tight-fitting tank-top and a United States Marine Corps jock strap as Plan B.
Have fun, and don't forget to properly accessorize with a leather ball gag (for your submissive, of course).