Magnificent Bastard

Monday, February 17, 2025

Ask the MB: ID Badge Dilemma

Ask the MB: ID Badge Dilemma
Q: How does an MB wear his ID badge at work? None of the options (lanyard, clip-on, stapled to the forehead, etc.) seem particularly magnificent or bastardly....and certainly not both together. Any suggestions?

A: Our primary suggestion is to not have a job where an ID badge is required. A well-endowed trust fund is another good option. But sometimes you gotta feed the monkey, which is where a reinterpretation of the classic luggage tag comes in. On sale right now at is this Jack Spade boar skin version for just $18. Sale ends tonight at 11PM CT.

(Again, if you'd like an invitation to Gilt Man -- currently our favorite shopping site -- drop a line.)



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