Magnificent Bastard

Friday, July 26, 2024

Ask the MB

Ask the MB
Q: At 34, the lyric "I'm losing my edge to the art-school Brooklynites in little jackets and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered eighties" provides background music while I check my cultural awareness. The kids are coming up from behind. That being said, where's the Hedi love? Or a gush or two for Demeulemeester? Your premature rejection of skinny has me worried. Are you losing your edge?

A: Whoa. Forget the kids, our MBB (Magnificent Bastard Brother). With all respect due James Murphey, are you seriously ready to shit yourself with fear about losing your edge to a bunch of emos aspiring to be a poor-man's version of Flight of the Conchords? No sir!

Anyhow, skinny is still over.




  • 2 oz gin
  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1/2 oz Lillet Blonde (Blanc)

Lightly shake, or aggressively stir, ingredients with ice, pour into chilled martini glass. Garnish with lemon twist or a blonde.


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