Magnificent Bastard

Monday, February 17, 2025

Ask the MB: South Korean DMZ Guards' Sunglasses

Ask the MB: South Korean DMZ Guards' Sunglasses

Q: Hello MB, I must know. What type of sunglasses do South Korean DMZ guards wear? The South Korean guards that hold the line at the cold war's last hotspot are dressed and hand-picked to look physically imposing and intimidating. I was looking at their specs, and I wanted to know more. Look into it, or don't. But I would prefer it if you did. Love the site.
— Armand

A: The uniform, helmet, and poker face are all official ROK issue, yet the directive from DMZ HQ on the sunglasses seems to be flexible: an American brand with with gold frames and a pedigree.

The guard on the left is wearing the Ray Ban Caravan. The guard on the right is wearing the American Optical Pilot and available at our favorite eyewear outfitter Allyn Scura. Meanwhile, the North Korean DMZ guards go without UV protection, probably lunch, and have to share a pair of binoculars.



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