Ask the MB -- Spring/Summer Sport Jackets

--D. Brown
A: Great question. Let's take this one step at a time:
Options for summer sport jackets: Madras is a fun and popular option, but it's got a high "memorable" factor. You could space your wearings out 2 weeks and still your co-workers are going to be, like, "Holy shit, didn't D. Brown just wear that madras blazer yesterday?!" We don't endorse much about the outfit on top -- besides the cheekbones -- however the blazer is fairly deconstructed and casual, has two buttons, goes with other pants besides jeans, and is affordable ($189). We own it. Available at your local Benetton or just give one of the stores a call and have it shipped.
Linen: Regular readers know our stance on linen. Blended with high percentage of cotton it's ok. A linen percentage >50% and it can look like you slept in the fucking thing within minutes of putting it on. Proceed with extreme caution.
Giving a white blazer a try: This falls into the category of "If you have to ask, skip it." Definitely can be successfully executed, though one wrong move -- gold watch perhaps? -- and we're queuing up the Jan Hammer soundtrack to "Miami Vice."