Ask the MB -- Sunglass Placement

A: Well, kudos to you for knowing to remove sunglasses while indoors. As Larry David famously said on an early episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm: "You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people and assholes." (Top: Designer Michael Kors, who is not blind as far as we know.)
Let's review the options in order of badness, worst to least-worst:
Backwards: Never. Goal of every MB should to not look like Zach Johnson (winner of last year's Masters).
Around neck: This would require a strap of some kind. Croakies? Not cool, even as an ironic gesture.
Clipped to pants: Nothing should ever be clipped to your pants.
Clipped to shirt: We're just not that big on clipping.
Top of head: We've previously set the rules for this. Based on your location, you might qualify.
In shirt pocket: Good, yet most designer dress shirts don't have a pocket available.
Your best bet: stay outdoors.