Magnificent Bastard

Friday, July 26, 2024

Build a Wall, Mr. Trump!

Build a Wall, Mr. Trump!

At first glance, last night's presidential debate looked like a highlight reel from an unusually sycophantic episode of The Apprentice, as Wisconsin governor Scott Walker desperately tried to position himself as Donald Trump's first-string yes-man. After awhile, however, we began to think Walker was actually engaging in a subtle but sophisticated attack on Trump's main talking point. If Trump can't even secure his own personal borders from such brazen illegal immigration, how likely is he to shore up 2000 miles of rugged desert terrain?



Pimm's Cup

  • 2 oz Pimm's No. 1
  • 4 oz ginger beer
  • cucumber slice

Fill tall glass with ice. Pour in Pimm’s and ginger beer. Stir. Garnish with cucumber slice.


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Pimm's Cup

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