Magnificent Bastard

Monday, February 17, 2025

Custom Shirt Reviews

Custom Shirt Reviews
The number one downside of online shopping? You don't get to try stuff on before you buy it. Going custom mitigates this factor. If you know how to use a measuring tape, you can, in theory at least, order away without having to wonder if the item in question will fit you better in medium or large. Consequently, the online custom shirt-making business is booming. Which of the many purveyors out there has the greatest selection of options? Which has the easiest ordering process? How fast do they deliver and do their products measure up to their promises? We decided to do some investigative shopping. Here's what we found.



Neat Scotch

Into a warm rocks glass or snifter, pour your best blended or single malt. Try to make it of legal age, and remember to stop before the rim.


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Minneapolis, Minnesota

-5° Clear/Sunny

Neat Scotch

Enter any city on earth & start cocktailing. (Zip codes work, too.)


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