Get Dressed: Taking a Sickie for Monday British Open Final Round

1. Attire We don't always wear underwear, but we do when we're sitting on the sofa at 5AM on a Monday for 7.5 hours of British Open coverage, and we prefer CK One Cotton Stretch Slim Fit Boxers. Slim, yet unconfining, and discreet even under the shortest, tightest, and lowest-rise shots, these have been our favorites virtually since Seve won on a Monday at Royal Lytham & St. Annes in 1988. They're the best. 2 for $30 at, but you can always find these at Teej for about half that.
EARLIER: Chart! Underwear and Testicle Constriction
EARLIER: RIP: Seve Ballesteros — Inventor of the Sunday Uniform