MB Cocktail Update: One of the Losers

name: Tom G
email: *redacted*
recipe: Jack Daniels
Red Bull
Diet Coke or Pepsi
1. Use a 16 oz. or "tall glass".
2. Fill glass to rim with ice.
3. Add one generous shot of Jack
4. Add a splash and I mean a splash of Red Bull. A quick wrist flick usually works.
5. Fill remainder of glass with diet cola and stir.
This is a drink I created that I call the Tommy Gun named after myself of course. If you want a double you can order it with an "extra clip" of booze. The key is to not add too much Red Bull.
It is a drink I order after several hours in the bar in order to get a little extra boost of caffeine to either continue drinking or to help try and sober up enough to drive home. Yes the Red Bull tastes like Pixie Stix but the splash makes the drink a touch sweeter.
The Tommy Gun is sweeping the Nation.