Magnificent Bastard

Friday, March 14, 2025

MB Tribute -- William F. Buckley

MB Tribute -- William F. Buckley
Pop quiz: William F. Buckley's greatest cultural contribution was:

A. Founding the modern conservative movement
B. Founding National Review magazine
C. Hosting Firing Line for 33 years
D. MB icon and poster boy for the principle of artful dishevelment

Correct Answer: D.

From the top: Buckley demonstrating the proper black tie alignment; Buckley on the set of Firing Line hitting the trifecta of hair, jacket, tie dishevelment; casual Buckley demonstrating casual rumpledness (portrait).





  • 2 parts Germain-Robin Craft Method brandy
  • 1 part Cointreau
  • 1 part fresh lemon juice

Lightly shake with ice, then pour into a ice-filled rocks glass. Based on your tastes, brandy choice, and strength of the lemon juice, you should adjust the Cointreau and lemon juice to find proper balance.

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