Overheard on Twitter: Ashton Kutcher and His Pants

@aplusk wut?
@ashtonkutcherspantz srsly i bet people are wondering if you got me from yao ming's last clothing swap.
@aplusk check it pantz! It's strategic. Im 32 now. But my giant suit makes me look 14 and RELEVANT. Junior high FTW!
@ashtonkutcherpantz maybe if kevin smith went to your tailor they wouldn't have kicked him off that plane. ur 4 sizes too big look = slimming!
@aplusk zackly! that's why j alba's wearing an ll bean gunny sack instead of a dress.
@ashtonkutcherpantz u guys should totally make emma roberts teach you to dress like grownups.
@aplusk haha, so true. thank u for being my pantz, @ashtonkutcherspantz! so cool ur on Twitter