Magnificent Bastard

Friday, July 26, 2024

Show Us Your Game Face, Dude! KTZ Tattoo Cap

Show Us Your Game Face, Dude! KTZ Tattoo Cap

This black tattoo toweling cap is one size fits all — if you're a Talosian. (Yes, we're really into original Trek.) It takes real talent to game-face from multiple angles while wearing a terry-cloth polo hat fit for a macrocephalic alien. Hats off to you, male model!

Thanks to reader Benjamin Thompson, who pointed us toward the hat and earned a 4-pack of Disposable Letterpress Beverage Shields for his efforts.

Have you seen a candidate for Show Us Your Game Face, Dude!? Send a note to and if we use it on-air we'll send you some Beverage Shields too.




  • 2 oz gin
  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1/2 oz Lillet Blonde (Blanc)

Lightly shake, or aggressively stir, ingredients with ice, pour into chilled martini glass. Garnish with lemon twist or a blonde.


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