Magnificent Bastard

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Hatoyama Shirt

The Hatoyama Shirt
We'd never heard of Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama until he showed up to a barbecue dressed like a cross between giant Rubik's Cube and a Vegas mobster (see photo). Normally, we're not fans of patchwork shirts, black turtlenecks, or greasy pompadours, but if you put them all together and you're the ruler of one of the weirdest countries on the planet, well, what can we say? We like this look, Prime Minister Hatoyama!

Not everyone agrees with us. Japanese designer Don Konishi called Hatoyama's shirt outdated and out of touch, just like his political ideas and policies. (Glass houses department: Look at Konishi's own line of clothes.)

But is Hatoyama's multi-colored shirt-like thing really a monstrous relic from the '80s or '90s, as Konishi charges, or just a prototype for next season's Black Fleece plaid fun shirt? Or a future Opening Ceremony collaboration?

If you don't want to wait until S/S 2011 to get your Hatoyama Shirt, the early adopters at are offering a limited-edition version now, for $500. Drably dressed leaders of the world, take note.



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