What an MB Can Learn From a Mahdi Army Fighter

1. Pants. Lounge-fit khakis work nicely on bigger men.
2. Footwear. Climbing/hiking boots transition well from granola/North Face look; useful for dodging sniper fire.
3. Shirt. Untucked, unbuttoned knit short-sleeve satisfies MB principle of artful dishevelment.
1. Headwear. Ski mask creates hat-head and even worse, hat-face, especially in hot desert climates.
2. Weapon. AK-47 noisy and big and showy. Violates MB principle of understatement.
3. Neckwear. Bullet scarf made from too large of diameter rounds (see understatement). Leave larger caliber accessorization to G.I. Joe & Rambo.
4. Jewelry. Pinkie ring acceptable only if starring in Scorsese mob picture.