Magnificent Bastard

Friday, July 26, 2024

Wisconsin Recall Election Results: Scott Walker Still a Toolbag

Wisconsin Recall Election Results: Scott Walker Still a Toolbag
Whether you're voting for Tom Barrett or Scott Walker, or abstaining out of principle like us — this is what regular elections are for — one thing all parties can surely agree on is that Scott Walker is a toolbag. Shown to the left at Quad Graphics last Friday sporting not one, but two cause wristbands. (Not pictured: Walker's pleated pants, belt-clipped cell phone, and Crocs.)

Earlier: Top 10 Ways to Look Like a Total Toolbag




  • 2 oz gin
  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1/2 oz Lillet Blonde (Blanc)

Lightly shake, or aggressively stir, ingredients with ice, pour into chilled martini glass. Garnish with lemon twist or a blonde.


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