Magnificent Bastard

Monday, February 17, 2025

WWJFKD? Wear a Tie on Christmas, Of Course.

WWJFKD? Wear a Tie on Christmas, Of Course.

JFK was known for his sporty, casual look. And yet even he knew that when it comes to style, there is a time and place for everything. And that on Christmas morning, when you're under the tree with your loved ones, in the cozy and secure heart of your home, celebrating the birth of baby Jesus, the bonds of family, and the virtues of faith, love, compassion, and gratitude, it's time for a tie.

Order one of ours by Friday, and we'll make sure both you and your tree are properly attired Christmas morning because each order comes with a complimentary non-denominational winter tree accessory. As always, the shipping's on us. Merry Christmas!



Neat Scotch

Into a warm rocks glass or snifter, pour your best blended or single malt. Try to make it of legal age, and remember to stop before the rim.


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Neat Scotch

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